
Hi everyone! I’m Cléa and I’ve had the pleasure of being taught by Rakhi for the last 13 years. Starting at the age of 6, I developed a passion for dance and the freedom it expressed as someone who was a very shy child.

Now, as a 19 year old who is trying to peruse a life working as a musical theatre performer and choreographer, I can pin point just where I fell in love with performing. It was every Friday dancing with Rakhi. This love for performance then led me to drama, from there I then began auditioning for school productions, playing Sweeny Todd’s wife in Sweeny Todd (2017), Betty Rizzo in grease (2018) and finally Scaramouche in We Will Rock You (2019).

I became engrossed in the shows we’d put on and often choreographed several numbers in each musical and helped directing and sometimes running rehearsals. This then gave me to confidence to go out and audition for a part in South Hill Parks production of A Midsummer Nights Dream, playing Hippolyta. By this point in my life I had decided that this was what I wanted to do, I wanted to create live art of people.

Like many others before me, I danced my way up into the TMC, and as a newer member, I cannot wait to continue performing and teacher training with Rakhi. I cannot express just how vital dance and performance has been throughout my life. It is when I feel most at peace and confident in myself. not to mention, ALIVE.

I have Rakhi sood to thank for that, not only is she an extremely talented dancer/teacher, she’s also a wonderful friend/mentor/role model. I am absolutely thrilled to be a part of her company and to pursue my passion for performance.

Rakhi Sood